Lord of the Manor
of Broadbridge?
Quite probably so! |
History of The White Swan.
We don't as yet have a lot of History about
the Pub other than we know for a fact it has been a Bakery /
Pub / Coaching Inn - not necessarily in that order and
sometimes as a combination of all three - ever since the late
1800's, probably much earlier.
The pictures below show some interesting characters and the
article confirms it as a Bakery. I like the way it is
headed "a bit of Old Bosham", so there's nothing really
New about it eh? :o) In fact, at that time it was
technically in the Manor of Broadbridge, a separate manor
altogether. Patsy West and I are wondering what happened to
that Manor (i.e. the Title).
We think that it was once owned
by Lord Gifford (or was this Bosham manor House? -
see Kelly's) but if no-one has the title
now I reckon we should nominate Walter !
If you have more information please let us know
(with apologies to Walter & Clive, they are good friends and good
men.) |

Sir Clive Wallace
of Medina was also
in attendance. |