Sailing images 2

Sailing images in Bosham Senior week 2025

Bosham Sailing Images 2

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Bosham Senior week, day 1 sailing photos

A very stormy day saw a tremendously valiant effort in the fast handicap. With the other two classes cancelled these intrepid members of Bosham Sailing Club took to the water (some quite literally and several times) in a fierce battle against the elements, not least a squall with an intensity not seen for a long time and gusts of up to 26 knots. It's hard to single anyone out but my "Hero of the day" award is shared equally between Mags Watney and Lorna Donnelly who both, against all odds, fought bravely onwards. David and Charles you both have a lot to be proud about in your amazing wives. Hopefully the forecast will be better tomorrow when it is hoped that races missed today will be doubled up, back to back.

Bosham Senior week, day 2 sailing photos

Another cloudy day but not so much rain and therefore a few more photos, although I was sorry to miss the Finns at the finish (the Finn dinghy is the men's single-handed Olympic class for sailing; great fun and can be very fast). My apologies to Peter Coburn, the skies had opened alas and my discs were full!  Although there were no squalls quite like those seen yesterday there were strong gusts that tested not a few swimming abilities. Ho-hum, perhaps we'll see some sunshine tomorrow. My "hero of the day" award goes to a valiant rescue boat skipper Malcolm Butler who continued to film events using his camcorder to the finish despite lashing rain. Please thank Caroline for the Flapjacks, they were yummy. My apologies to anyone that I have not managed to immortalise by Photo in the Bosham archives. Please see me tomorrow if you'd like a shot or two of your boat in action and I'll do my best to oblige.

Bosham Senior week, day 3 (final day) sailing photos
I think it's fair to say that much better weather brought a more pleasant experience today. Although the wind was strong again and the occasional bluster caused a certain amount of havoc, all in all it seems that everyone had a very pleasant day. As you will see from the Pics I managed to catch the Finns in 'flight' today; they must have been loving the ideal conditions; seriously fast although somewhat precarious with the gusts which caught a few out (or "in", I should perhaps say).  My "hero of the day" award would have gone to Peter Coburn for his sheer speed across the water, it certainly produced some great shots. However, I feel on this occasion it really should go to William Boyle who has done an absolutely fantastic job of coordinating the safety boats during a very difficult three days. Congrats to all for an inspirational time, it certainly puts to rest (if you ever thought it) any notion that BSC is "a drinking club with a sailing problem". Far from it. This is what it's all about. Great sailing, good times, new friendships made. Thanks for having me aboard guys and gals. Great fun.

William Boyle adds: Thank you so much for your very kind comments. These should I think include the team and I graciously accept on behalf of the team of folk who turned out in foul conditions to man the boats on the water, and of course to Barry who dealt with the initial admin. It is always good to know the effort is appreciated. I do this role, and have always done this role in JW, Open meetings and SW simply because I love to see folk sailing in sometimes difficult conditions which they might otherwise not do, without visible, but hopefully not intrusive, coordinated support. The kick is seeing the grins and smiles as they beat the elements and the buzz I feel when they come home safe after a great day sailing....   Barry Colgate adds: To all safety boat crews Thank you to all of you who volunteered to crew a safety boat this week. It makes my task so much easier when I know I can call on willing participants and I can assure you that your support is much appreciated. And at least this year you had the chance of some real action! I hope you enjoyed the week as much as the sailors. Thanks again. Barry

Copyright: For private use they are freely given, please use entirely as you wish. For business & other website use as always there is no charge but please credit to: Source: with active link.

