Chairman: Peter Lyons Captain: Helen Jelley 01243 572866
* A sport that requires skill rather than great physical effort.
* Played out-of-doors, under the most pleasant conditions.
* Performed in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere.
* A less formal style of bowling.
* Inter Club competitions at Home and Away .
* Club competitions at Home.
* Open to Male & Female youngsters from 15 to 90.
* An inexpensive hobby.
* New Members and Visitors are always most welcome.
Formed in 1911
The original green was situated at the rear of the old Bake house [now called Loafers]. The club established its new green in Delling Lane prior to 1923, the date inscribed on the base of the original pavilion, on the ground graciously being given by Mr. Albert Eadie. He also donated a silver cup, which was known as "The Bosham & Selsey Interchallenge Cup", before Selsey withdrew from the OLD ENGLISH BOWLING ASSOCIATION to play E.B.A. bowls. It is now a 'Singles Trophy', one of the cups played for in the annual competitions for the Bosham Club members.
The green was not able to be maintained during the 1939-45 war and no games were played. Resuming in 1946, Bosham had to play their fixtures on their opponent's greens until in 1947 when the then Tennis Court was made into the home green. The green, as we know it, was re-laid in 1959.
The new pavilion was built in 1962 by D. Phillips, plans by J. Webster. It was modified during the closed season 1992-93 by Graham Black, to incorporate the kitchen and to facilitate the social side after matches.
The club are active members of the OLD ENGLISH BOWLING ASSOCIATION; competing in the League, playing Home & Away matches with the other teams -Alverstoke, Bellair, Emsworth Sports, Hayling Island British Legion and Legionnaires.
The aim of the club is to engage in a sport which requires a certain amount of skill (which can be acquired with small amount of effort) and it has a most pleasant, relaxed and friendly atmosphere enlivened by competition. Cup games are played on Monday Evenings, League games on Wednesday Evenings and Club games are played on Saturday Evenings (weather permitting). If you are interested in joining us please come along on a Saturday Evening from 6 p.m. and speak to one of our members.
Secretary: Brenda Wilkins, 01243 574038